August 2009

After vacation, we had a few days at home before taking off again. The highlight of our brief time at home was Claire’s graduation party. It was a fun Mexican-themed fiesta!

Conal liked the bouncy-bounce:


Nicki and Conal.


Sean and Conal.

And he and Owen loooooved Claire’s yummy cupcakes:



Conal also had fun just hanging out that night, after the party started to die-down:


Now, the party’s over and Claire heads off to college next week. Conal will miss his Aunt Claire, for sure!

A week away. A week of fun. A week, also, of learning about the little jobber’s crystallizing personality:

  • Conal needs his time alone.
  • He’s not always himself around others.
  • He goes wild when overtired and sugared-up.
  • He loves the sand.
  • But doesn’t love swimming pools.
  • He’s become a hugger.
  • He hates taking baths in vacation houses.
  • He goes crazy for whales, penguins, fish, sharks and other marine life that call aquariums their home.
  • He likes to walk backward, crawl backward, wear his hat backward and just say “backward” as much as possible.
  • When he gets it in his head that lobster-print swim trunks and striped shirts go together, there is no getting him to change his mind.
  • If he could eat chips all day, he would.
  • He wouldn’t, however, drink soda.

And I’m pretty much OK with that last one. I’m OK with all of them, actually. He is who he is and his personality is becoming more and more apparent as he grows and develops and experiences more. It’s wonderful.

Now, here’s a little glimpse of our vacation fun!


Enjoying the beach in front of the house.


Enthralled by whatever was in the tank.


Just a penguin.


I wasn’t kidding about the hugs.


Nor was I kidding about the going wild.


Fleeting quite moment.


The lobster-stripes combo. With purse. A good look, no?




Fresh ‘n funky.


Lots o’ kids.